Thursday, 17 November 2011

Compostion of some Make Up

The composition of Lipstick-
Lipstick is a waxy solid that is moulded into a tube and is used for colouring your lips. It comes in variety of colours. It has a nonvolatile oil which helps it spread easily but stay in its tube. Common materials used in the making of lipstick are; beeswax, castor oil or carnuba wax. The dyes have to be insoluable in water so the colour will last. To do this they treat the lipstick with metal oxides. Eosin is used to dye lipsticks red.

^  beeswax, used in mascara and lipstick

The composition of Mascara
Mascara is a semi solid substance used to darken and thicken the eyelashes. It has been around for thousands of years. It was originally made up of soot or charcoal. But these are no longer used as they are considered hazardous.
To make the mascara black carbon black is used. Oils are used in mascara for lubrication, oils such as mineral oil, linseed oil or castor oil. Most mascaras contain guanine which gives it a shine. Along with lipstick mascara also contains beeswax.
It was once believed that mascara contained bat droppings since guanine is found in the droppings, it is said this is not true though.

The composition of Foundation
is made up of oil and water emulsion containing a fatty acid and some colour.
Face powder is more complicated. Its made up of talc- to help it spread, chalk- to give it moisturising qualities, magnesium stearate, zinc oxide, titanium oxide and pigment for colour.
Here is a recipe to make your own liquid foundation, I personally haven't tried it but would love to hear what it is like.

The composition of Eyeliner
For liquid eyeliner- Its a mixture of emulsifiers and black pigment to colour the liquid.
The pencil eyeliner is used with kohl. Which is made of lead sulfide.

So basically there is a lot of substances in cosmetic products, in my next blog I will discuss the effects of makeup on the body :)

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